
Presenting in Auditorium
Saturday 10am
Sunday 2pm

Presenter Name
Bio of presenter

Hannah Moloney
Auditorium plus various other locations around the festival The Good Life Permaculture
Hannah Moloney is the Tasmanian host for ABC TV’s Gardening Australia (dream gig) and runs Good Life Permaculture - a nipaluna/Hobart based permaculture and sustainability design and education enterprise. She's a best-selling author and has spent the past two decades getting her hands dirty in the garden, with community change projects, political and front line activism.
Hannah will be talking about the impact we currently have on the environment with excessive food waste - how can we make some simple changes to our lifestyles to have significant positive impact on our environment.
NEW program published in March 2025

Mal Webb & Kylie Morrigan
On Main Stage & workshop space Multi Instrumentalists, Musicians and Environmentalists
Local adventurer, multi-instrumentalist and looping beatboxing songwriter Mal sings his brain provoking songs using all sorts of vocal techniques, guitar, mbira, slide trumpet, trombone, chromatic harmonica and a loop recording pedal called Derek. And Kylie (who's played with Orchestra Victoria and the likes of Stevie Wonder and Barry White!) provides violin and voice in a perfect balance to Mal's nutsness. Their arrangements are intricate and playful. Imagine Einstein, Dr Seuss and Paganini making pancakes. "You have to keep doing what you do, even if you don't want to!" (a fan at Stainsby Festival).
Why not join them for a workshop too!
Workshop; Finding your Voice : From the ridiculous to the sublime
Join Mal Webb and Kylie Morrigan in exploring all the Physics, Physiology and Phrivolity of using your voice, as we explore the boundless possibilities of individual expression. Ballads, beatbox and beyond!
Lara van Raay
Small world documentaries
After a successful school tour in 2023, the award-winning team behind the ABC Your Planet short documentary "Road Kill Warriors" is touring the North of Tas. We are going into schools, councils, community screenings - to get the conversation going about what we can all do to lower the number of animal deaths on our roads.
The 12 minute short documentary is a positive first person story about local wildlife carer Ruth Waterhouse and how she is working to raise awareness about what we can all do to help our native animals and lower road kill numbers in Tasmania.
Director Lara van Raay with wildlife carer Ruth Waterhouse screen the short film.
At present, there are 400,000 animals killed on Tasmanian roads every year. This film aims to educate our community about what we can all do to lower those numbers.

Heather Gaia Thorpe
Parade in Auditorium Up cycled fashion Competition and fashion Parade
Makers & Menders Circle from the RESEED Centre in Penguin....
Heather-Gaia Thorpe has a lifelong passion for living sustainably.
This includes everything form homesteading crafts, textile teaching at TAFE and a lifetime of Organic Gardening and many years of Permaculture experience.
Heather-Gaia has contributed to many aspects of sustainable living in Tassie with T.O.P., Organic Herb Growers, Urban Farming Tasmania and by initiating the Plant Aid Project.
As well as being on the Permaculture Tasmania committee Heather is part of the Repair Cafe Movement and is an active member of RESEED Menders & Makers Circle in Penguin.
Her reason for being involved in all of these activities:
“Being the age that I am I wish to pass on as much as I can before the ravages of time prevent me from doing so”.
'Style up!' Upcycled Fashion Competition & Parade
Competition is open to everyone
Judged By Hannah Moloney
Workshops on upcycling offered by RESEED Menders & Makers Circle in the lead up to ECOFEST24 and demonstrations at RESEED Menders & Makers Circle stall at ECOFEST24
1. Parade of outfits not part of the competition
2. Parade of outfits to be judged
Prize: New SINGER sewing machine

Jill Weaver
Main st all day Chicken lady
Jill has been involved with chickens since the age of 8, generally on farms. Later in her life she has become involved in Rare Chicken Breeds. She is the treasurer of the Tasmanian Rare breeds Poultry Club. (https://www.tasrarepoultry.com) At present she has over 200 chickens, breeds poultry for people to have back yard chooks and breeds rare breed chickens on request. She is the author of 'Keeping Happy Poultry' Director of Rare breeds Trust of Aus
Stop by for a close encounter with some of her chickens or just have a chat.
Sommer Metske
Rethink Waste Workshop
The world of recycling is confusing! What goes in what bin?
What can't I put in my recycling bin? What about the FOGO bin, what goes in there?
The Rethink Waste education officer is here to provide you with all the information you need to be"a good sort"!
A presentation on the different types of materials and which bin they go in followed by
question and answer time to try and answer your trickier questions about recycling on the North West Coast.

Jonty Dehnert
....Bio diversity Bingo
eco kids all day
Jonty is from UTAS /Tamar NRM Bio blitz is designed to foster curiosity and creativity where youngsters are encouraged to find and respond to prompts about local Flora and Fauna That they may find and sketch on a bingo sheet- provided.
Camp Clayton Eco kids activites
eco-kids Area all day
Camp Clayton Activities group will facilitate activities such as
Hop scotch, Giant parachute, Mega Jenga , Archery, Outdoor bowling, table tennis, seed planting and Tas rock painting

Bonnie Bickel
Workshop Space Sustainable living
Hidden Valley Workshops
TALK: A brief introduction to No Dig Gardening, Compost Making, Polytunnel and Greenhouse Growing, Keeping Chooks for Eggs, Food Self-Sufficiency, Pruning and Espalier Fruit and Building Skills, with an opportunity to ask questions after each topic. With sour dough info
I’m Bonnie Bickel and I live on my large stunning property with my partner and 3 young kids. I spend my time completing building projects around the property, I bake artisan sourdough bread, and I have a large garden that produces all of our fruit and vegetables. I have researched all my subjects thoroughly and I am very keen to share what I have learnt and put into practice with others.

Australian Electric Vehicle Association
Ev test drives
South east of Eat St
Electric vehicle enthusiasts from across the North of Tasmania will kindly offer test drives in their private vehicles. Spend time chatting about the benefits of owning an electric vehicle. Bookings required see website for details https://aeva.asn.au/TAS/

Knots of Love
SE corner in Stadium (stall space) Macrame pot holder workshop
Tania and Lisa will conducting workshops on making Macrame pot holders. Knots of Love is located in the Main Stadium in the South eastern corner before you enter the Rec Hall
Our names are Lisa and Tania, we are 2 friends that share a passion for macrame. We have elvoved in our craft and would like to share our creations with you all at ecofest..we are also offering the opportunity to participate in one of our workshops and make your very own
macrame plant holder included a plant to.pop inside, take home your very own master piece10am will be the commencement of our first workshop approx 90 mins. Bookings can be
made through Tania on 0439612308.... a deposit will be required and full payment by friday april the 5th to secure your spot.....
So if you have ever wanted to learn, now is your chance with step by step instructions.....
Love to see you, limited spots available

Sophie Leslie
.....pm Auditorium Australian Breastfeeding Association
Mal Webb and Kylie Morrigan have been....

Wafaa Khali
Workshop space
Kind Building Design
Homes Designed and built to last, including Passivhaus
A Passivhaus is any building that meets the Passivhaus Standard.
It can be argued that the Passivhaus Standard is the leading international standard for maximising energy efficiency in buildings. Although, meeting this Standard is not yet a requirement in Australia, many people are choosing it because they know and understand its multitude of benefits, including year round thermal comfort, minimal energy consumption, flexibility in building form, while satisfying their aesthetic preferences.
Meeting the Passivhaus Standard is an added layer of work that overlays and complements our traditional design process, from the preliminary design stage all the way to post construction. In this talk I will present the process of meeting the Passivhaus Standard from design inception to design
Wafaa Khalil holds a Master of Architecture, PhD in Science, and is a Certified Passivhaus Designer. She is also a licensed Building Designer in Tasmania, based in Trevallyn. Wafaa’s interest is in designing buildings (new and/or renovations) that are kind to us and to our surroundings. Such buildings are tailor made to suit our needs, are thermally comfortable, durable, and healthful, with minimal on going energy bills. Wafaa does not subscribe to any particular architectural building style; instead, she aims to create building forms that are aesthetically pleasing, primarily to her clients, while aiming to reduce any negative impact on our natural environment as much as possible. Wafaa’s approach to design is to team up with her clients and consultants in creating the best possible outcome for all involved.

Robin Krabbe
Workshop space Livewell Tasmania Regenerating the social and ecological Good Life:
Community Basic Income in North-West Tas
Robin has a Masters Qualifying in Environmental Science and a PhD in community approaches to sustainability. She has worked for the CSIRO and the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment for 17 years. She is the coordinator of Live Well Tasmania, who subscribe to the permaculture ethics of 'Care of People', 'Care of Planet', and Fair Share, and who aim to increase health and wellbeing, community capacity and community resilience.
Tasmania aims to help rebuild and regenerate our social systems, which will then give us the capacity to help regenerate ecological systems. Community Basic Income is income paid to participants who assist in a community project, and/or an activity that increases their health and wellbeing. The opportunities to participate are co-designed and co-created by the community, for the community. Live Well Tasmania is campaigning for a three year trial of a CBI in North-West Tasmania, including rebuilding the narrative of the Good Life as embeddedness in social and ecological environments. This workshop will be interactive in inviting the audience to co-design socio-ecological projects that benefit both human and environmental health.
This workshop assumes that regeneration of our socioecological life support systems is the priority challenge for human survival and thriving. The Community Basic Income project in North-West Tasmania aims to help rebuild and regenerate our social systems, which will then give us the capacity to help regenerate ecological systems. Community Basic Income is income paid to participants who assist in a community project, and/or an activity that increases their health and wellbeing. The opportunities to participate are co-designed and co-created by the community, for the community. Live Well Tasmania is campaigning for a three year trial of a CBI in North-West Tasmania, including rebuilding the narrative of the Good Life as embeddedness in social and ecological environments. This workshop will be interactive in inviting the audience to co-design socio-ecological projects that benefit both human and environmental health.

Workshop Space
Australian Breastfeeding Association
We will be discussing (and it will be a discussion with input invited from participants):
Government guidelines on infant feeding
The importance of breastfeeding for the mother, the child and the community
Infant feeding and its impact on the environment and sustainability
How to support breastfeeding
The secrets to successful breastfeeding
Access to ABA's parenting supports
There will be time for questions, and for participants to speak privately with a trained Breastfeeding Counsellor if they wish.
You may like to check out our FREE info kit on the ABA website and to the ABA Tasmania Facebook page:

Scott Smith
Workshop space North West Snake Catchers
Scott Smith has been catching snakes on the North West Coast for over ten years, he is keen to share his knowledge about Tasmanian snakes and importantly the awareness of us within their habitat . Join Scott in the workshop space for this informative chat.
aAso catch Scott in at the snake pit throughout the day for his demonstrations.
He will be located on the roadway between Rec Hall/Stadium and Eat St

Lynne Jarvis
Workshop space Tender Funerals Tasmania
Social Justice and the funeral industry - A Tender Approach.
In an industry which is privatised, and profit driven, we review the impact for individuals and community, when social justice is the driver.
It is 10 years since the Award-Winning documentary, Tender – A Community Undertaking was released, and 8 years since the first Tender Funerals not-for-profit funeral service in Australia began. There is much to celebrate.
Join us as we highlight the achievements of the Tender Funerals Model of Care, what this means for all Tasmanians and learn how far away the first home for Tender Funerals in Tasmania is.

Jennifer Rolands
all day in Eco Kids Lizards and stick insects
Join Jennifer in ecokids area for a wonderful informative close up encounter with lizards and stick insects. She will also have an interactive nature display to excite the kids and big kids

Lavender Lily
From the age of fourteen Lavender Lily performed as a faery storyteller and face painter for children and their families through the eastern states of Australia. A playful nature faery at heart, it’s no wonder she moved to Tassie 4 years ago; bringing her two favourite lifelong practises with her - djembe drumming and movement.
9.30am Eco Kids Lavender Lilly Great Garden Adventure
Brings the interactive Journey of story telling songs and movement...
Perfect for the whole family
Lodges loop Join Lavender Lilly for an African Drum workshop
"Drum yourself Joyful"
Main Stage Community Djembe drum circle
Hoops, scarves, hand instruments and drums will come together to perform at the main stage